10 Things People Don't Understand About Tarot ⭐๐Ÿ”ฎ

Hello stars! ⭐ There are a lot of things people don't understand about tarot, so we are going to be discussing them today. So if you can read tarot and you have heard people misunderstand tarot, or you don't know a lot abut tarot, I would love if you would comment! 

 The death card isn't always a bad thing
 Dispite what people think, tarot reading takes TONS of practice and dedication and hard work and studying. It takes forever to learn correctly and your never done learning with tarot, theres always something new. 
⭐Its not always about reading the future, it can help you be more in touch with yourself and the world. 
⭐It doesn't make the decisions in your life for you, but it can be a guiding compass to help you make the right desicion.
⭐There is no "right" way to read. Every reader feels there are different meanings to every card and every reader has a different style!
⭐ There is very few rules when it comes to tarot, its mostly about intuition and empathy.
⭐ Many readers actually do it professionally, and unless they offer, don't expect them to give you a reading for free. Its a very rare skill and should be taken seriously.
⭐Whether your reading yourself or being read, be prepared for answers that you may not expect or like. Sometimes the ten of swords shows up, and you can't change that. 
⭐ If a reading doesn't resonate with you, it could mean that its coming at some point soon, as tarot is almost never time spacific. 
⭐ A lot of people actually believe in tarot, and its rude to say its not a real thing. So be polite. You don't have to believe in tarot, but let me believe if I want to. 

And thats all for now!


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